Attaching a guitar strap to an acoustic guitar

So. You've got yourself an acoustic guitar, and you have your self a guitar strap. In many cases however, you'll find that your acoustic guitar only has one strap button, on the 'body end' of the guitar. So where do you attach the other end of your leather guitar strap? There are two ways to attach the other end of the guitar strap. One is pretty hands off, but rather more ineffective than the alternative, which requires a small amount of DIY but works a treat! The Simple (yet not recommended) way to attach a guitar strap... Someone once said that...
Why having a good guitar lead is important

I'm constantly surprised when I go to watch bands in pubs and smaller venues, at how many people are using really poor guitar leads. Its not uncommon to see people with guitars worth hundreds (sometimes thousands of pounds) and an amp also worth several hundreds (again, sometimes worth 4 figures) but using cheap, flimsy and usually noisy cables linking them. And thats before we get into pedals and pedal boards too! So when we break it down and think about it, you can spend all the money in the world on guitars and amps. If you can't cleanly get the sound...
New Dangleberry Music Website!

....OK, we know. It's been a long time coming. Sorry about that. Dangleberry Music is a small business, and we're not frightened to admit it. In a world where 'bigger is better' seems to be the norm, we think the opposite. We believe small businesses can focus on customers better, treat them as a name and not a number, keep a close eye on what their customers think of their products and improve accordingly - despite what anyone says, nothing is perfect, there is always room for improvement! However being a small business means we have limited time to spend...